Recent Battle With A Recent Sanskrit Tongue Poem by Rajendran Muthiah

Recent Battle With A Recent Sanskrit Tongue

No use of the word ‘Sanskrit'or‘Samskrit'[Levelled tongue]
we did find in ancient Tamil works.
No use of the word ‘Brahmin' in Tamil folk lore
or in the palm leaf manuscripts of the past.
The Tamil poets formed the ‘Brami' [First existed] letters
in the third Tamil Synod under the King Pandiyan
held during 1800 B.C to 1600 B.C. adopting from their kin
in the Sindu Vale civilization. The northern tongues
like Pauli and Prakrit too adopted the Brami letters.
These two tongues had been called ‘Northern Tamil'.

The Sanskrit pandits later developed a new ‘Brahmi'
effecting some changes in Tamil ‘Brami',
with the help of the learned Tamil grammarians.
Some words of the northern origins
were inscribed in ancient Tamil poetry
as the Tamil scholars U.V. Saminatha Iyer
and Damodharan Pillai were unable to
decipher the pure words of Tamil
from the faded palm leaf manuscripts.
Even lay Tamils can replace these words
which stand alone spoiling the Tamil verses.

As the corrupt Chief Ministers of this Tamil land
were scared of the Brahmin officials
and the politicos in Delhi, they didn't take steps
to bring out the chaste Tamil ancient poetry.
The Brahmins might be the descendents
of the migrants from the north west
after the Mongolian forces devasted those regions.
in the aftermath of the sixth century. Vedhas are their
slogas to recite in temples for earning their livelihood.

The story of Mahabharat was old and that of Ramayan
is recent. The epics can be written in any new tongue
of the twenty first century. The new tongue cannot claim
that it was born before Christ. The battle with Sanskrit
is recent fought with the blunt swords of the Tamil Brahmins
as they were incited by the policies of the Justice Party.

There are no rock edicts or archaeological evidences
to say that the newly constructed tongue Sanskrit'
had a history in the remote past of India.
There are no cairns for these Brahmins anywhere in India.
The name of ‘Aryan' itself sounds a myth.
The stone walls of the temples built after tenth century
have Sanskrit letters chiseled on them.

The Brahmin astrologers in Tamil land
may revel in giving names based on Sanskrit.
A day will come! The real Tamil Government will issue
an ordinance to change all these foul smelling words.
As the Brahmins dominate in media and private concerns
they publish half-truths and untruths as articles
and evict Tamil youths from private companies
the founders of which are abroad.
There is an awakening in Tamil youths these days
which will set these things right.
The Tamils need not fight with anyone

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: knowledge
Rajendran Muthiah

Rajendran Muthiah

Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India.
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