Recognition Failed! Poem by Lodigiana Poetess

Recognition Failed!

You appeared right beside me, from nowhere,
a weary old man with a frown
I asked who you were and your blue glacial stare
looked me up first..and then slowly down
A snarled reply came, ‘I'm your angel' you said
I did wonder, perhaps - am I dead?
I was curious to know if you really
with a trembling voice here's what I said...
‘Dont think that I'm stupid and don't see your game
I don't think angels look much like you,
If you're here just to con,
well you'd better move on
and go and find somebody new!
With a sigh and a shrug you gave your coat a tug,
and the garment just fell to the ground.
From a place far away, I heard harps start to play
as the air filled with heavenly sound.
From within a rucksack
that you had on your back,
was a rustling of unearthly things.
As I looked on in awe
I was shocked when I saw
that attached to you now were two wings!
The scowl and the frown were now gone from that face
and replaced with a warm peaceful glow,
and you spoke oh so gently, direct to my heart
saying, ‘sorry but now I must go..
I gave you a chance to accept who I was, but
your fear made you not see the light,
so my mission has failed,
and my work is curtailed,
so I leave you now as I take flight'
He flew through the skies, leaving tears in my eyes
as I saw that like chances we lose,
we make judgements each day,
things we do and we say
And so often wrong choices we choose.
I'll never again turn an angel away
even though he might come in disguise,
I'll look for the good,
and then maybe I could,
find an angel that I don't despise.

Recognition Failed!
Monday, September 17, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: acceptance,angel,blind,failure,fear
How often do we chose not to see, maybe through fear, what is often right before us?
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