Recovery Poem by Dannielle Smedley


I was always so sad,
I was always so mad,
I thought that this was the end,
That I had no friends.

I thought my pain would never leave,
I thought my pain would kill me,
I thought I was worthless, ugly and unloved,
When really, I’m none of the above.

I truly hated myself,
My mind caused me to go insane,
Day after day, I felt that nothing had changed.

When my life fell apart,
I thought that this was it, I’ll always be in the dark.
I thought that I was lonely,
I thought was beginning to lose hope,
I felt a deep lump in my throat,
I thought that this was the end,
Until suddenly, I found a dear friend

He told me to be strong,
He told me to be brave,
He told me that he would not leave, until he knew I was safe,
He told me I was not alone,
He told me I had a home,
He told me that he cared,
And to not be scared.
He promised to stay,
And never go away.
He said that he would be shattered if I die,
These words made me cry.

To know someone cared and to know I am loved,
Made me smile,
Especially when he gave me a big hug.
With all his support and help,
He has made my heart melt.

He saved me from the darkness,
And told me the great things in life,
And oh, was he ever so right.
If it weren't for him,
I would not be here,
So listen, my dear’s,
You must not shed anymore tears,
Be strong, because someone loves you,
And if you think otherwise, than you are wrong.
It may be hard right now, my child,
And it may stay like that for a while,
But things get better,
Look at me,
I have recovered, and now I am so happy.
Depression is a hard thing to go through,
But if you believe everything will be better soon.
Don’t end your life, it is not your time to go,
You will just be passing on your sadness and sorrow.
Show the world you’re strong, and you will get through this,
Because if you left, you would be dearly missed.
No matter what your mind may tell you,
I guarantee that none of it is true.
You’re beautiful, and you deserve the best,
Please oh please, do not go, it is not your time yet.

This is just a poem I wrote on recovery from depression. Remember, no matter how tough life may be, things will get better. Have a little hope and faith. Everyone is beautiful.
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