Relationships Like Pavement. Poem by Shianne Mariah

Relationships Like Pavement.

Relationships like pavement. Eyes wandering, hearts firmly set. Smooth to the gaze of every eye, rough to the touch of every finger tip, why are we so different. The desert misses the rain like I miss you. Embraces unknown, secrets perfect passion play in dreams of night and day, tempt and torture in pleasant ways alike. Come back for more? Of course we will, who doesn’t play with fire. Matching hearts that burn right through seamless fabric still so new. Pin hole camera tell the truth, why paint a printed lie? Your beautiful pixels show him clear a face I can’t deny. And eyes, the eyes how blue they burn a wild storm within, searching deeper and farther still until I fall right in. Still my heart to a dull drum beat, a dangerous rate for all. Until at last I am released, oh smile you lighten my soul.
Just when I felt you gone for good, you couldn’t be to far. The tide can never forget the shore no matter how long it might stray. Out of reach the stars may be but here you are so near, and never did I know someone to read my mind so clear. What am I saying, how can I know to quick my face is read.

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