Remember The Promise Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

Remember The Promise

somewhat confusing… Yea!
Exactly! Precisely! Chaotically!
Expressively! Intentionally! Not to
mention down right phuucking confusing!
"This is how ‘they' do it; " TO YOU!
Check out the ROOT of this term>
"having the power to draw off"
Uuummmm… Kinda, Sorta, Maybe
in reality; the ‘game' is ‘stacked'
explicitly against you… Why?
Because ‘they' can! And
‘they' do! Whatever it is that
suits ‘them' and ‘screws' you!
Mentally, emotionally, physically, financially.
You are like some wayward child with their
pants hanging and their BVD' blowing in the wind!
Yea… you think like those innocent' look!
"As dumb as a box of hair! " So there
this all is. In your faces, up your Asp
wholes, you all are like barbecued monkey
on a stick! When it comes to derivatives!
Notice the qualifier? Are you still that ill-informed
buyer… of goods and / or services that you have
no desire to inquire of… and still you purchase?
Is your mind worthless? For should you be the
proverbial fool, and dive into some make money
get rich quick quackery as we be yanking about…
Well, ‘when the whip comes down" and you and your
bank parted… You can hear ‘them' laughing all the ways
to ‘their' banks with your cash! And the rules that ‘they'
make and play by are subject to change without notification
as ‘they' make the rules up… because ‘they' make the rules!
"Darwin's work is derivative of the moral philosophers"
Now here is an historical fact that is not mentioned in any
‘school' of thought or taught or mentored… Charles Darwin was
a lazy no good purveyor of ‘greater 19th century men's moral designs! '
Does anyone out there dispute this? Does anyone out there second this?
Does anyone out there give a shyte? Nah! Did not think so… You
fools are hooked on the "pipe dreams" of get riche quick schemes.
Hooked on proffered illusions and sound bites from fixed news
and that ill-reality television boxed bull stool fed to you
by the boxcar load visions of grandeurs and grandees and
so many things verbose and hideous it is so ridiculous…
"Du temps de sa grandeur." "La grandeur d'un sacrifice."
"Grandeur et misère de l'homme selon."
"Qualité de ce qui est plus ou moins grand."
"quality or state of being exalted in some deliberate way"!
And not one of you have this! Not one of you express this!
You cash is less, you thoughts are less, your ‘common sense' is less!
You are all featureless and full of emptiness, and exhibit sullenness…
You are not worthy of my callousness about all of this!
Take my dis you ill-bred miscreants! And stick this in your
tight filthy asp wholes! Read me! Or get sticky wet and not!
Furthermore and in addition to…
"a substance that is derived chemically from a specified compound"
What kind of fool smokes, pours, shoots; or otherwise…
unknown substances into their personal husks? You?
Could-a-fooled me! Then, maybe not! Hard to
fool a fool catcher! Perhaps you need a dream
catcher? Or, you need to sleep better so you can
dream more clearly! For it is in clarity that you are
seen by ‘those others' living among you all! Butt!
That is another story to wright! Wright on! wright often!
wright something! wright nothing! Just ‘Dada' a bit and
do some word juggling and some cocktail downing and get
busy undoing all that you have begun to this date! For
that ‘what', which is coming is clearly visible
just above the northwestern horizon! Rise and Shine
people; do not remain "Comfortably Numb" and dressed
as ‘sheeple' any longer! Get your lives in order, reject
innuendo and dysfunction; get jumping mad and involved
in living up to ‘that promise'… remember the promise?

Sunday, December 23, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: child,innocence,qualities,reality,roots,ways,words
Error Success