I said sorry to myself
For loving with heart.
And she acted with skill
For fun and to desert.
I became dumd
For a day or two.
I wished her good
And wiped all my woe.
For her I was second
She was my first.
I became a prey
As she glanced a cast.
We kept it secret
Friends oonly knew it.
We met once or twice
They knew not a bit.
I gazed at her pic
When all offed their light.
Pretended to read
Till mid of the night.
There came Valentine's day
I wanted to present a rose
She rejected twice
As she feared her boss.
Okay, I said to her
And kept it safe.
Today I looked at it
It's dry and fade.
I uttered in silence
O my lovely Rosie.
I forgot you not
Though I'm busy.
You wanted what
Today I became.
But couldn't erase
You and your name.
Why did you desert?
I asked you never
How could you be silent?
I may not know ever.
We may not meet again
On this earth.
Rosie, on my part
Love wasn't dearth.
Still I keep my hope
To unite again
And be yours ever
As I remain.
Be happy Rosie
I kept wishing.
And wishing now
As I'm passing.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
For her I was second She was my first. I became a prey She rejected my rose. But couldn't erase You and your name. still i live in hope........... love is always a mystery my dear poet........ thank you for this poem. tony