Resolution Poem by Shaun Cronick


I'll vow a New Years Day resolution,
Of things that I can see.
And make myself the person,
I'd like to really be.

I'll be resolved to keep myself,
In a cheerful frame of mind.
To forget myself and harder try,
To so many others to be kind.

To put myself more often,
In other peoples shoes.
Never begrudge praising words,
And give them their just do's.

I'd say no word to hurt a friend,
When silent I could stay.
I'll do nothing to cause,
Another's foot to go astray.

I'll do all my daily tasks,
In the way they should be done.
And I'll not forget that,
All of us shall need a little fun.

So lets unite and all try hard,
These few good things to do.
Our world would be a pleasant one,
If you'd adopt them too.

And when the end of next year,
Rolls around perhaps we all will see.
That we've become the very one,
We've always hoped to be.

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