Rich & Poor Are Like Mountains & Valleys Poem by Luke Easter

Rich & Poor Are Like Mountains & Valleys

Did you ever wonder why we have rank, positions, titles and such?
Some are born into a welfare system against those born into much,
However, whatever you are born into there you do not have to stay,
Plenty of well off vs. those without, change places every single day.

For every expensive upscale eatery there are 1,000 Burger King’s,
A thousand give wedding bands a few give 2 carrot diamond rings,
Some have honeymoons across the globe in exotic countries afar,
Others are lucky to have one evening at the local neighborhood bar.

A fortune that’s easily lost is one given or inherited and not earned,
Experience is the best teacher and more valued when it is learned,
Truly impossible to instruct another or explain how they should do,
Any task, project or something you yourself have never been thru.

It is better to be rich in spirit than to be wealthy in material or cash,
Because the former is forever while the latter may not always last,
Throughout history before God uses someone first they pass a test,
Until the bondage is broken you will really never appreciate the best.

The tallest and strongest tree has its roots firmly planted in the ground,
So that after all the storms, hurricanes or tornados it will still be around,
Christ was using the parable about a foundation built on a rock or sand,
And it is called a parable because Jesus was actually speaking of man.

The caterpillar must struggle mightily to free itself and this happens why?
Because it is only after it breaks free does it become a beautiful butterfly,
We might even have to rise up for a brief period and travel the road alone,
Because God can never use anyone unwilling to leave their comfort zone.

And the reason God never uses anyone that’s perched firmly on the top?
They only give credit to themselves for the for what they have already got,
This is neither a parable, a dream, wishful thinking or, just another story,
There must be no doubt that in your ascension God alone gets the glory.

I know, you are tired of hearing, seeing and/or reading this again & again,
Before any kind spiritual or academic growth kindergarten must 1st begin,
And if you fail to educate yourself with a background from scriptural need,
Your seed is always being planted in soil good only for sprouting weeds.

Yeah! But what about drug dealers & slave traders don’t they prosper too,
No mistake about it, that many who are against righteousness surely do,
Where the word informs the wicked will prosper so, do not be dismayed,
From amounts of ill-gotten gains, as the final hand has yet to be played.

Whether you are reading King James’ version, Hebrew Bible or the Koran,
Progress is like an endless river flowing down hill and it waits for no man,
Rather than do nothing expand the quality of surroundings where you live,
Assisting those less fortunate from the abundance you’re now able to give.

Book of Genesis 13: 2, “Abraham was very rich in silver, cattle and gold, ”
Just like there are have & have nots today it was like that in days of old,
You can’t have a poodle on Rodeo Drive w/o a junkyard dog in the alley,
Nor have a rich anybody on a mountaintop, w/o a poor one in the valley.

Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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