Richter Beethoven 7 Sonata Poem by Liza Sud

Richter Beethoven 7 Sonata

Under the sound of bells and the cars squeel
I'll run faster to meet you.
Under D major sonata rhythm,
As a trainee after the teacher.

And will stop halfway.
as a look at the water from height.
And from the bridge - a flashback,
Where you and I were already.

And I look into your eyes,
Where the mourning of turquoise.
But in the heart - such peace,
Like the eternal Petersburg's heat.

And in the gray heat there is no frost,
But the pure tear's drop.
Beethoven touches me so
as from the corner - a tornado whirl, -

Universe corner and there are pictures
as from my childhood and so humble,
Beethoven - my best friend - he is singing
to me above the earth pseudo-parting.

And we're running from the bridge down
Quicker than the fall of leaves in Autumn.
Over Prague - it is Richter playing
among the stars dream of Beethoven.

Richter's recording: Prague, November 1,1959.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: music
Daniel Brick 28 September 2017

Richter was one of the Giants of Classical Music. He not only performed the music but made it vital to the lives of contemporary people. You cast yourself as one of those deeply moved by his artistry and then segue into an appreciation of Beethoven. Both performer and composer are essential, and both receive the praise due them through your words. Your appreciation and pleasure is what will keep classical music alive for another generation. And the next Richter is a ten year old girl in Petersburg practicing everyday and just beginning to be aware of the wonder of music.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 27 September 2017

It is a brilliant poem on Beethoven, autumn and music having haunting and stunning expression with nice collocation. Enjoyed. Thanks for sharing.

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