Roker Pier Poem by Paul Reed

Roker Pier

Rating: 5.0

You lay there, waiting for us
In the tranquil sun-sparkled water
Sleepy and embedded
In your stoney hauteur
Sunday morning spilling over you
In all of it's glory
Ice creams and coffee
And a chat and a story
or two:
Worn stones and pebbles
To be collected and prized
Remnants and debris
Which time has devised
Should lay on the beach;
A chocolate labrador
With close spaniel friend
Rusted balustrading
Reaching all the way to the end
Of the pier;
Steps chained off
Fishermen by their rods
On their folding canvas seats
Waiting patiently for a codling
Or two;
With bait tins and radios
Swopping earnest tales
Of harsher spumy days
And blistering gales;
A gentle lapping at your sides
Green seaweed bobbing in the foam
The harbour a temporary haven
An uneasy home;
Guardian of the 'cat and dog' steps
Memories draped along the coastline
Like Grandad Reed sat on the beach
On a long lost day, equally fine
In a black and white photograph
All of those Sundays ago
Before I was born
Before time washed slow
And smoothed the pebbles

Tom Billsborough 13 May 2016

This is a very fine reminiscent poem. As children we all have special places we recall and you have done so with great precision. Mine is a place called Silverdale which is on Morecambe Bay above Lancaster. The last two lines are a perfect ending to a very good poem. After the other night's result, let's have a well deserved ten here. Tom Billsborough

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