Romance In Language Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

Romance In Language

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Romance in language
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
I bought Ralph Lauren's perfume, Romance,
For I see romance in the golden sunshine
And in gardening possibilities
Which brings me to the planting of Harlequin bulbs indoors
And this reminds me of the odd Harlequin romance I have read
And maybe it is difficult to believe this of me
For as PM Justin Trudeau apparently put it,
I have such chic and such sex appeal,
But I also have "tightly wrapped ambition"
Along with more than a fair share of sexual desire
In my feminine-feminist inner self
Which brings me to the fact that had I not uncovered the usage of the word, tennis,
In Shakespeare's Hamlet, it would have been a fact lost forever
For the dialogue is not by a main character and is by Polonius
In the same breath, I am adding that I saw a hidden metaphor
For fast bowling in cricket in Macbeth
And while reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Hound of Baskervilles
With the much celebrated character, Sherlock Holmes,
I saw a reference to the small letters, long s and the short s,
And this is a reference to the capital S written as a small letter
And the small letter, s, written in cursive writing
And I wondered if research would unearth this reference for
The internet has only references to capital and small letters
And uppercase and lowercase letters
And the long and short of the matter is that sadly, unless mouldy books
Reveal this form of address of the alphabets
It is all lost forever despite the inimitable superiority of the internet
And the spoken word and hence, I thank libraries for being around
And spreading the romance of language and the scent of its usage.

Romance In Language
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