Safe Drive! Save Life! Poem by Rucita Mittal

Safe Drive! Save Life!

Traffic, Horns, Hustle Bustle All Around;
Cars, Buses, Bicycle, Trucks in a round.

Two boys busy chatting, one leaves his bag,
Never did one know, it was the last day they ever met,
Over the phone, he heard a loud harsh bang,
A little care can make accidents rare.

People, students hurrying without a way,
One stumbles while drunken driver fails the break,
This all seemed to the driver so fake,
The innocence life comes to a break.

Sunglasses in, Helmets out,
To show off in the crowd,
Three on a bike,
In a pride ride,
Seeing a pretty dame,
Ended up their game.

Helmets, seat belts aren't as confining as wheel chair
Future of an eggis omelette so could be your head,
So lets think of safety ahead.
"Thou seat belts, Thou helmets, zebra crossing out of trend"
End up with angel wings in the end.

Traffic signal shining green bright,
Buses like giants turning right,
With selfies, cellphones in the mind,
Many end up dying,
'A text or call can wreck it all'.

Be cautious in life,
Green means Go, Red means Stop,
Yellow has no significance at all!
That's the reason many crawl.

"Alert today, Alive tomorrow".
Avoid mourning acknowledge warning,
Safety isn't a slogan, Its a way oflife,
Stay Alive: See, Think and Drive.
Safe Drive! Save Life!

Friday, April 17, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: driving,safety
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