Sai002. The World Of Ours Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Sai002. The World Of Ours

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The world of ours moves around the sun,
Thus counting the day and night as one,
But what happens in the total Universe,
No one knows as it remains a surprise.

The primitive man knew nothing,
Except eating, mating, and sleeping,
And it's the scientific advancement,
That took him up to a greater height.

For knowledge, right from the Universe
Down to the sub-atom level, he studies,
But what a mystery every matter is,
Puzzled he remains when it reveals.

So, with his incomplete knowledge,
He repeatedly tries, at every stage,
To find new-new things to update,
What he knew already until that date.

Is there an end for this search?
No, it's impossible for one to reach
The final goal on this vast subject,
Due to its expansion day and night.

Thus our experience of the universe,
Is limited to a fraction of what it is,
That too limited to our experiments,
And from the ancient Gurus' records.

The life of Sri Sai Baba of Shiridi,
Is unique in that he teaches about
Omnipresent Spirit in simple words,
From his own practical experiences.

No one knows his parentage,
His caste, creed at any stage,
As this anonymity helped well
His teachings to all the people.

The Mosque in which he lived.
As Hindu Dwarakamai he named,
And he was also a fakir to Muslims.
Saying "Allah Malik" before them.

He had laid for none any rules
Who were after material needs,
And he encouraged all people
To visit him out of their free will.

He gave a promise, "If you call
Me, after my death, be sure I'll
From my Samadhi rise up then,
And rush to help you very soon."

Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: saint
Kumarmani Mahakul 15 April 2020

This creation is very mysterious. What happens in this universe and other universes no one knows. This creation is full of surprise. Although scientific advancement has taken up us up to the height, still science has not revealed the truth about entire creation. SHIRDI SAI BABA has given promise yo rise up from his samadhi, if devotees will call him. A poem of great sainthood is excellently penned....10

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Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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