Say No To Depression! Poem by Ishrat khan

Say No To Depression!

All the smiles on your face you've have lied
When the pain in your heart you had to hide
To your soul you are no more kind
If you become the slave of your own mind
Share out your fears don't hide it inside
It would be relief if you always confide
The more you grow strong the more you'll rise
Face it firmly for your hardships to decline
Surely, afflictions has to bid goodbye
After the mountains of sorrows you climb
No matter how many times you've tried
No matter how many years you've cried
Believe in yourself that one day you'll shine
After every hardship you'll be verily happy n fine
It's true that no one can live happy every time
Truly your endurance will make you thrive
Don't you ever quit always keep your head high
You'll be rewarded highly once you survive
If depression doesn't take you to God's side
Then you're not healing cos your faith deprived
When your mind tries harder you to get victimized
Self slaying you're no one to decide!
Stop killing yourself don't you die!
Remember the torments that God reminds
If you take your own life you'll be denied
The stage of purgatory to you is a sign
So fear hell or it may at you jibe
Life has an end so depression too! don't whine
The unforgiven sin is committing suicide
Don't take such steps yourself to die
If you do you'll crave to come back to life
Regretting in grave your life you've sacrificed
How will you face God after you eradicate your own life?
How you'll answer? How you'll pay your price?

Sunday, June 21, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: depression
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