School Tragedy Poem by Jon M. Nelson

School Tragedy

It was another typical day,
In an ordinary school.
Though we could not pray,
They taught the golden rule.

After the pledge was said,
We all took our spots.
Then the roll call was read,
We were ready to learn a lot.

The bell began to ring,
It was time for class to start.
I had no idea what the day would bring,
Or how lives would be torn apart.

All of a sudden shots rang out,
And people began to scream.
I heard students and teachers shout,
It was like a nightmarish dream.

Our teacher said to get down,
We used our desks for shelter.
The shots and screams were a deafening sound,
It felt like helter skelter.

The door came busting open,
The shooter stepped inside.
Pointing at the teacher he shot again,
And instantly she died.

What's the purpose of this tragedy,
Just what is his desire?
I cannot understand or see,
Why he had to open fire.

He was shooting people at random,
It didn't make any sense.
Where was all this evil coming from,
Or the source of this violence?

My only worry today was a math test,
Now I'm lying on my back.
I took a bullet to the chest,
Everything is fading to black.

Thursday, September 15, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: tragedy,violence,children,school,shootings,shooting
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