Science Fiction - The Comet Poem by Paul Warren

Science Fiction - The Comet

Rating: 3.5

The comet only travelled our way every 10,000 years
When it streaked into our galaxy there were some fears
For some scientists had calculated that it would hit
The Earth as it streaked towards us in its final trip

But others said that the sun would make it veer away
And we wouldn't know until it dawned on the final day
So we waited daring not to hope that it would turn out alright
When the comet appeared in the night time sky so very bright

The scientists made their final calculations in their wisely call
That the comet would hit the earth and it would be the end of us all
So we made our preparations as the comet gradually grew
And we made our peace with God and each other quietly too

Some went to their place of worship whilst others stayed at home
Knowing that the time had come and the danger was fully known
But as it came close to the earth it slowed and stopped in its orbit
And we all came out to see how it happened in the new fit

The theory was that the comet had been harnessed for its power
And it had been scheduled to return to us in this very hour
Whilst we debated what to do next in our ordered world
All of a sudden we were stopped as a statement from it was hurled

'We have come back to take the harvest from this world we have seeded well.'

© Paul Warren Poetry

Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: science fiction
Gajanan Mishra 10 August 2016

peace with god, good one.

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Paul Warren

Paul Warren

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