Science Fiction - The Wow Signal Poem by Paul Warren

Science Fiction - The Wow Signal

We came across the last spaceship
That had set out on the galaxy trip
Exploration was the name of the game
They had left earth in a blast of fame
To be the first to see the origin of the message
The 'Wow' that had excited them in this age

But that had been so long ago now to us
The years had passed and so had died all the fuss
The mystery had deepened even more when a telescope
Had pin pointed a speck of light that raised their hope
The spot of light had been tracked until it had stopped
Near the rings of Saturn in orbit as around the sun it hopped

The rescue spaceship was launched from the Moon Two Spacestation
Whilst the whole of the earth population held its breath in anticipation
The ten crew worked the spaceship as it made its way to the old spaceship
It was a voyage that would answer a number of questions for this trip
They rendezvoused with the returning spaceship and were anchored to it
And the boarding party made their way into and explore the whole of the ship

The spaceship was empty and no survivors were found in the search made
They checked the computers and the new type of impulse engines in their grade
It all seemed to go well for the explorers up until they were awakened in their voyage
The attempts to make contact with the people and the 'Wow' signal took an age
But just when it looked like it was successful and they would discover the secret
The electronic record in the ship's computer files ended and it all just did not fit

The boarding party checked the empty storage areas of the old spaceship
Finding a circular ball shaped object that in the old manifest did not fit
It had some lettering on the base of the curious object and a hum
And where the party walked near it and touched it a transformation begun
A rainbow of light emanated from the ball forming into a hologram as one
Then a ray of light hit each person changing them as the invasion was begun.

© Paul Warren Poetry

Science Fiction - The Wow Signal
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: science fiction
A signal that was detected by a radio telescope could be the first contact with intelligent life. It was called the Wow signal because a scientist wrote that next to its recording.
Paul Warren

Paul Warren

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