Secret Knowledge Is The Key To Progress! Poem by Ramesh T A

Secret Knowledge Is The Key To Progress!

Knowledge of arts and sciences was a matter of secret
In the past and taught only to the good, disciplined
And truthful ones only and of them, spiritual science
Master taught to the top class soul of students only!

Best knowledge in the world was discovered in India
And imparted to the most deserving students only in
Olden days and due to the deaths of such great masters,
Knowledge of ancient time disappeared in the world...!

Also, such great secrets of knowledge were stolen by
Foreign rulers of the past and taken to their countries;
The discoveries and inventions they make afterwards are
Just the left out little knowledge of past in their hands!

Only arts and material sciences are now spread to all
By education in the modern time according to western
Way of educational system sans any progress made in the
Spiritual science after India had developed in the past!

By invasions and wars many matters of secret knowledge
Had been destroyed and spiritual science has become
Completely unknown matter now and none believes anything
About incarnation, reincarnation and transmigration..!

The stories of great messiahs and sages are full of such
secret knowledge that quacks and fake mystics take advantage
Of to deceive common people everywhere to exploit riches of
Others for self develop of one's economy to live in luxury!

Now it has become a fashion, if one knows something others
Don't know, one boasts oneself of greatness by criticizing
And insulting others by not spreading such knowledge to others
For the growth of society hampering the progress of others!

Now development of knowledge of scripts of long spoken languages
Are gaining ground with some charlatans playing with scripts
They have known sans spreading them by educating all for good
And go on fighting in selecting script and soiling progress ever!

Such charlatans indulge in leg pulling works against critics
Who try to bring to the front the flaws of scripts for reforms;
Due to this kind of skirmishes in language wars, development of
Language is hampered to the extent of driving it to extinction!

Friday, May 4, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: knowledge
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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