Sermonizing About Christ. From Vadim Perekatipole Poem by Liza Sud

Sermonizing About Christ. From Vadim Perekatipole

I will be sermonizing about Christ,
How it was preached by the Apostle Paul,
this moment had come, I realized,
When I has crucified sin in my soul.

I will be sermonizing about Christ,
I will bring His all-good and righteous word,
And my mouth will never shut up
by sin's captivity or Satan's bonds!

I served you with excess. That is enough!
To you, father of lies and all temptation.
When waking up without a dose, I whined,
then looking at me, You were crying, the Savior.

You were crying, my Lord, with all lament,
And I - was dumb and deaf to all Your moaning,
when I served Mammon, listened to its flesh,
Without mercy, love, and not remorseful!

I saw how my mother cried and weeped
and full of tears were at nights her prayers..,
I did not give a shit about it -
cooked poppy on the balcony with fellows...

When I did no injections, I was drunk,
But who among us does not like this business? !
And He gave His Love at the Cross for us,
Allowed that the body of Christ was there to tear!

I will be sermonizing about Christ,
How it was preached by the Apostle Paul,
The Lord is living! Miracles are done!
He is fullness and basis of the world!

It is necessary to stretch out your hands
And whisper: 'I repent before You, Father! ,
Come, Father, and put on my way Your Light,
Come, I need you, so very much, require! '

And God will hear! And the Lord will come.
The choir of angels will rejoice in heaven!
The one who seeks God - he will always find,
To Him, praise and honor, and Hallelujah!

Your living from a new page you will start, -
Without the learnt rules and superfluous words.
And you will be sermonizing about Christ,
How it was preached by the Apostle Paul.

Я буду проповедовать Христа

Вадим Перекатиполе

Я буду проповедовать Христа,
Как проповедовал Его апостол Павел...
Я осознал, что этот миг настал,
Когда я грех, в душе распяв, оставил.

Я буду проповедовать Христа,
Нести Его всеблагостное слово,
И не сомкнут вовек мои уста,
Ни плен греха, ни сатаны оковы! ! !

Довольно! Я с избытком послужил
Тебе лжи праотец и искуситель,
Когда без дозы просыпаясь, я скулил,
Ты плакал, глядя на меня, Спаситель.

Ты плакал, сокрушаясь, мой Господь,
А я - был нем и глух к Твоим стенаниям,
Служил мамоне, слушал свою плоть,
Без милости, любви, без покаяния!

Я видел, как рыдает моя мать,
Как слезно молится она ночами..,
Но мне на это было наплевать -
Я на балконе мак варил с друзьями...

Когда я не кололся - выпивал,
Да кто из нас не любит это дело? !
А Он за нас Любовь на крест отдал,
Позволил растерзать Христово тело!

Я буду проповедовать Христа,
Нести Его всеблагостное слово,
Господь - живой! Творящий чудеса!
Он - полнота всего, всего основа! ! !

Лишь стоит только руки протянуть
И прошептать: 'Я каюсь Тебе, Отче! ,
Приди, Отец, и освети мой путь,
Приди.., ведь Ты мне нужен, очень! '

И Бог услышит! И Господь придет.
Хор ангелов на небе возликует!
Кто ищет Бога, тот всегда найдет,
Ему хвала и честь, и аллилуйя!

И жить начнешь ты с нового листа, -
Без лишних слов и выученных правил.
И будешь проповедовать Христа,
Как проповедовал Его апостол Павел.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: religious,translation
Daniel Brick 10 October 2017

Vadim Perekatipole expresses a fierce faith. It has none of the sentimental quality that spoils religious poetry for me. This is a man fully engaged with his whole being tensed in the act of worship. His mind is swamped by this encounter with divine power, with thoughts (as Shakespeare put it) BEYOND THE REACHES OF OUR SOULS. But his courage and faith are rewarded in the last stanzas when he feels the peace of the Lord - Father and Son and Spirit - descend upon him and fill him with peace. This poem strikes as the manner in which Dostoyevsky prayed.

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