Shadow Poem by Okenyi Sunday Chinweike


Rating: 5.0

In my youthful innocence, detached from reality's grasp,
I wandered along the path of shadows.
A towering tree reached towards the sky,
Its branches stretching over vast expanses of land.
Whispering softly, it conveyed a message.

As the leaves quivered and danced,
The tree swayed, releasing tension.
It offered a tranquil serenity that seemed eternal,
Shielding the harsh sun high above,
Which cast sharp rays upon the ground,
Etching tiny lines like intricate patterns of a benevolent soul.

I delighted in playing beneath the tree's shadow,
When the sun ascended into the sky,
Creating a mound of warm, brown sand.
I would bathe in it until my skin turned a shade of bronze,
Smiling and embracing joy from within.

Yet, a sense of emptiness often plagued me,
When an eye restricted my movements.
On one occasion, it left me disheartened,
And I pleaded with the heavens to hasten,
To grant my shadow comfort and stability,
So I wouldn't be compelled to flee from it,
But instead relish in its presence.
Alas, my plea went unheard,
And whenever I attempted to escape from it,
It would chase me swifter than my feet could carry.
Whenever I disappeared from the sun, it vanished as well.
Should I continue hiding until dusk?
I could, for it would provide me a steadfast shelter.

Then, I heard a laughter and witnessed a gesture,
Inviting me to sit upon the ground.
Bewildered, I obliged, allowing myself to be swept away.

As I settled, the voice spoke:
'When you were born,
People rejoiced and danced,
For a human had entered the world.
You were deemed special,
For your shadow became an extension of yourself,
Following you wherever the sun may roam,
Just like the trees.'

'When you wander in the darkness, it will cling to you,
But you are not meant to dwell there forever.
If you wish to embrace your humanity, you must emerge and toil.
Any work will suffice, but your shadow must accompany you.
It observes you, and you, in turn, perceive it.
It passes judgment upon you, and it pursues you,
When you are too feeble to confront
The challenges inherent in being human.
It transforms you into something extraordinary.'

'Just as it shapes the trees and all other things,
It will mold you into what you are to become,
Only if you bask in the sunlight.'

Friday, December 15, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: nostalgia,nature
Joshua Adeyemi 14 January 2018

Wow this is so lovely. The flow and the coined words hung together by wits. 10. Man. This is dope! Joshua.

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Chuks 03 January 2018

Very nice poem

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Adrew 18 December 2017

Wow very nice poem

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Adams King 15 December 2017

Nice one bro Please also read my poems and comment king Adams is my name

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Bernard F. Asuncion 15 December 2017

Okenyi, such an interesting poem...10+++

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