She Is Desperately In Love With Us Poem by Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi

She Is Desperately In Love With Us

When we go to weed in our paddy fields,
The safety boots and gloves not in need,
The bare footed friends of mine,
Gather in rugged wrappers to call it their dress,
The knee deep water has the hosts of rodents,
And water snakes, snails and tickling crawlers,
Paddy seedlings arrived in bundles,
Must pick up two or three as clump,
Using the finger to dip the hole for the young plants,
The rows of paddy seedlings found the new destination,
To grow and produce the bunches of paddy seeds,
Hundreds of years passed quietly in the silent villages,
Where our life remain the same in our dung tiled huts,
The roof made of weaved palm leaves,
Have hundreds of marbled apertures,
Through which our infants can view the moon,
They try to catch the dusty rays of sunlight,
That is very affectionate to warm and burn their skins,
Thunderous rain may arrive in drip dripping noise,
Where our couples coiled to demolish our economy,
The rows of women sing the song to entertain the mother earth,
Bending down to plant each stalk of paddy on the battlefield,
In other place human feet never hung at the hip of the mother earth,
In our place no place is spared, we are in close contact with her love,
She may not want to be neglected so she is keeping us poor.

Gajanan Mishra 24 April 2013

natural love, good presentation. I like it. You are really genius.

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