She Strips Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

She Strips

She strips

Intuition must tell her
Of my heart loving her.

She is a stripper
Like woman in the base
When lived in USA.

Told us our commanders:
"Drink is, just beer; " and
"Watch her, don't touch her! "

She came with
Music in the air;
Erotic she removed
Her clothes piece by piece
Part by part, till she was
A baby, being born…

Her job had varied names
But in short: was "Teaser."

Friends and classmates
Called her with own manner
Based on their training,
Backgrounds and learning:
"Strip" or "Prick, " with teaser.

Now, here, in these days
In my sight, everywhere
Colourful, scarlet,
She stands, as "Teaser."

Does she know?
Does she care?
Of my needs is aware?
Does she have interest?

This girl is copy of
The dancer in the base;
Strips, is teaser…
Of "Prick? ", "Strip? "

Mesmerised, I stop
And stare, sealed is mouth.

She removes her clothes;
Shamelessly, she throws
Piece by piece, part by part.

They fly in the air
Light and soft, in colour
Like clothes of that girl…

Like clouds in skies
Land and turn into fog.

I plead and beg her:
"Be kinder, do not hurt."

She, devil, pretends
Not to own heart, brain.

Is killer, murderer;
Am Kebab on fire…

Has its roots in the hell
With embers and ashes.

I stand motionless
In breeze, drizzles,
To watch her undress.

I am nailed in silence
Wet, nippy is runway
That the nymph uncovers
For planes, engine-less
As "Kites" and "Gliders."

Tree is the teaser
Exposes arms and legs.

I regret losing the
Falling leaves to their death,
Vanishing, trail-less…

Sunday, November 3, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
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