Sheila Tennen - A Friend Just Lost Poem by Deanna Samuels

Sheila Tennen - A Friend Just Lost

Rating: 5.0

Sheila Tennen, a friend just lost
Lost to the ravages of that silent disease
Crept in without warning
No initial pain to detect its lair
A light cough gave rise to flu or cold
Antibiotics could not hold
Gradually the body became weaker, broke down
Diagnosis, medications, treatments follow
All too late, the cancer had embedded itself within
Spread beyond repair
Took its toll
Sheila is no more

What a waste
Sheila did nothing but good
Did not deserve this untimely end
Volunteering throughout the town
Hardly a program missed her magic touch
A loving wife, mother and bubby
Devoted to her family and little Jakie
Always with a smile and helpful hand
Embracing her faith, sharing with others

Today, Sheila was laid to rest
Her family and so many friends around her
All were subdued, shocked at her rapid demise
Mournful at her loss, weeping could be heard
Comforting prayers read and kaddish recited
As her casket was lowered into the ground
Even the heavens were overcome with grief
Its tears poured down without relief
Never to be forgotten in our hearts and minds
Sheila has gone now, laid to her eternal peace

Written at Richmond Hill, Ontario - 1st May 2017

Monday, May 8, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: cancer,illness,loving
Rajnish Manga 08 May 2017

A very humble and sincere tribute to a wonderful friend who silently became a victim of cancer, which could not be detected till very late. The readers can empathise with you. This is really poignant. Thanks.

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Deanna Samuels

Deanna Samuels

London, England
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