Silent Performer Of Duty In Harmony With Nature As Example To All! Poem by Ramesh T A

Silent Performer Of Duty In Harmony With Nature As Example To All!

After the celebration of Harvest Festival for Rain and Sun
In the first and second day, now it is time to celebrate
For Ox and Cow for ploughing and milking to produce food
And milk for mankind forever and ever every year and on!

Like father and mother, ox and cow work to keep all well
In the world sans rest till they retire and die one day..!
Sans any grudging and complaint, they carry out all duties
Like a yogi who takes both joy and sorrow in the same way!

Their debt is to serve and live as long as possible here
Leaving for the Creator to take care for their matters
Sans any criticism whether rewarded at the apt time or not
As they have no voice to make promises and perform noting!

Ox and Cow are not politicians to do so, but are disciples
Of Nature destined to work as Sun, Moon and Stars in Universe!
In harmony with Nature, they live their life as example to
All living beings with contention of heart sans any ambition!

Sunday, January 14, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: festival
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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