Singing With An Orchestra Cosmic Stellar Poem by Terence George Craddock

Singing With An Orchestra Cosmic Stellar

star lights sparkle on moonlight water
bright fires burning holes stellar wormholes
in flesh fabric mind harmony soul singing
singing with an orchestra cosmic stellar;
a symphony of unique beautiful flame stars
are luminous plasma calling calling calling
playing constellation stellar celestial notes
burning consuming my star dust atom body;
consuming my body soul matrix
every atom is flaming keynotes
is universal ecstasy mind song;
playing a universe in continuing
expanding solar wind river flowing
creation playing in every atom of being;

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Monday, February 6, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: song,stars,universe
Split image from the poem 'Nebula Symphonies Played Into Cosmic Eternity' by the poet Terence George Craddock.
Written in January 2017 on the 30.1.2017.
Daniel Brick 07 February 2017

The spiritual intensity of your STAR POEMS linking humans to a cosmic and not just an earthly fate is wondrous to read and contemplate. This is the d-e-p-t-h of meaning which is absent from media science fiction like STAR WARS which just a conventional war movie disguised as science fiction. Your poem is the real thing. Our poems occupy this same terrain as they stretch forth in cosmic terra incognito. Here are some passages which resonate with mine: A SYMPHONY OF BEAUTIFUL FLAME STARS... CALLING, CALLING, CALLING. // CONSUMING MY STAR DUST ATOM BODY; CONSUMING MY BODY SOUL MATRIX. // CREATION PLAYING IN EVERY ATOM OF BEING.

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Terry Craddock 07 February 2017

I have spent hours in summer nights looking at stars gazing up when younger in the bush in clearings, in mountains, on the beach; yet especially in cold winter clear nights in New Zealand in remote places with no polllution, we can still see stars as ancient civilizations did. If you spend the time, stars call, sing; just as old large pine trees sometimes groan, nature speaks in silences, not in chemical industrial light but in stellar light within the solar wind flowing through the universe, energy pulses allowing giving taking life. Cave painting are always concentrated within the most sound resonant parts of caves, most paintings in the most resonant 2% of a cave, light and sound are parts of the rhythm of life and speak to all nature, even the human spirit and soul, sadly with a modern disconnect few listen; this is a subject that intrigues me and the vast knowlege lost which humanity once possessed regarding our world and environment. It is not the mental, but spiritual awareness, which calms the intellect and bestows peace and happiness. Mountains rivers, running water, the sea and beaches, salt spray, the wind produces negative ions and make people feel happier and healthier. Fresh foods contain nutrients and vitality. Humanity will not understand our place within this world and the universe until we understand our place within nature and a more spiritual scientific understanding of nature. Intelligence demands comprehension and understanding, humanity has always aspired to learn, to know, to understand. It is inevitable false theories will be replaced with ever expanding horizons into the micro and cosmic, hopefully in time more people will jump on for a fascinating ride.

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