Sleepless Night Poem by Jesus Diaz Llorico

Sleepless Night

Rating: 4.0

'The moon is out and the night is deep
Though weary, but still I cannot sleep
While I stretched myself here in my bed
And mellow music played in my head

These lighthearted songs, I let it flow
With rhythms circling in cheerful glow
And like any other normal nights
My room is filled with her sweet delights

This instant brings me to greater heights
To see an array of distant lights
The silver specks in the vast expanse
Left me in deep thoughts and joyful trance

In silence I asked the twinkling stars
If she's still awake this time of hour
Maybe she is thinking of me too
And she's happy for my love is true

That in dreams I really want to fly
So I can soar on this endless sky
Together we'll be, this starlit night
Under the glow of the clear moonlight

And if this sleep will appear at last
This tender scene that will surely pass
As my eyes finally comes to rest
In truth she knew, I have done my best.'

Adheez Van Der Beanthz 24 March 2014

i love the imagery and the rhyme a beautiful poem

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