Slowing Down The World Poem by George Krokos

George Krokos

George Krokos

Samos, Greece (Now lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)

Slowing Down The World

I would like to slow down the world as it's been going too fast
and at this rate who knows, how much longer, it will then last.
The corona virus pandemic may be seen as a warning to us all
with its message to slow down 'ere we experience another fall.

The earth and all of its ecosystems happen to be a fragile place
and its purpose in the universe being a product of God's Grace.
Little does anyone understand the position each one may hold
in the cosmic drama going on around us now as it does unfold.

It would take someone with real intuition and insight to know
what's causing this problem to be and the solution for it show.
The world's always in a state of constant change so hard to see
though we often talk about all the damage we cause here to be.

Humans are the highest evolved creatures in the world to date
and it will continue like this unless we become victims to fate.
The more we progress in the acquisition of knowledge we find
a greater responsibility rests on our shoulders for our own kind.

Yet, irresponsibility and deception play such a detrimental role
it would be foolish not to acknowledge their overwhelming toll.
There are precautions we must observe in our progress forward
otherwise for our future we'll all be careless in the steps toward.

The resounding note is of a greater responsibility for us to take
in our dealings with one another and all dishonesty to forsake.
It's always much better to acquire wealth by our honest means
rather than swindle or deceive others where opportunity leans.

Some people can be so impatient when they're dealing with you
they'll try using every trick in the book if that's what it'll take too.
The greater worth to themselves a given situation happens to be
the sooner they will try to get it over and done with one can see.

Is it any wonder then how all the world has come to this stage
and finds itself in the grips of such a global pandemic to rage.
In slowing down the world then is the solution we must adopt
if we're to overcome this menace and for our better future opt.

Friday, July 24, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: deception,honesty,messages,people,responsibility,warning,world
George Krokos

George Krokos

Samos, Greece (Now lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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