Smiles Are Free Poem by Frederick Nellist

Smiles Are Free

Rating: 5.0

The face that wears a beautiful smile
Conveys more than words can say
Not only a smile that lingers a while
But the one that is there to stay.
A smile is a rainbow warm not cold
Showing your friends you really care
It might not lead us to a pot of gold
There's really nothing that can compare.

Many things can put a smile in place
It's as though your heels have wings
The touch of a hand a warm embrace
The echo when a wedding bell rings
Lovers know two smiles mean a kiss
Rays of sunshine smile while dancing
A flashing smile can be such bliss
Provocative smiles are for romancing

It's natures antidote for those who cry
Comforts those besieged with pain
Smiles do not require a where or why
It really matters if you smile in the rain
Laughing is music that enhances the soul
We all know it begins with a smile
Smiles are free not something we stole
They keep us all going for miles.

Monday, May 20, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: smiling
Chinedu Dike 20 May 2019

A fine and lofty verse written in persuasive poetic expressions with artistic brilliance. A beautiful work of art elegantly crafted in rhythmic splendour. Thanks for sharing, Freddie. Remain enriched.

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Frederick Nellist

Frederick Nellist

Jarrow on Tyne UK
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