Society Poem by Kaleemullah Hussain


Yoo! Society!
The cycle of sane ones'
Pedaling over the furious horizons of life,
The rusty machine with poisonous ride,
Your deadly screech heard in tribes and towns,
The wounded n weeping pedals exude!
That oozing grease, raving all over the narrows and wide.
Your stinky bell shouting ill hopes of life,
That smell magnets sinless beings and make them drag.

Yoo! Society!
I ask you merely nothing
Rather let me stay with that broken bearings at wild.

Yoo! Society!
The labyrinthine paths you've woven, choking every spark,
The wheels of progress, grinding dreams into dust,
Your iron grip on the hearts of the pure,
The shattering chains of conformity, unrelenting and just.
Voices of the innocent, drowned in the clamor,
Your ceaseless demands, a relentless hammer.

Yoo! Society!
Your cracked mirrors reflecting distorted truths,
The fabric of reality, stitched with lies,
The cacophony of chaos, a constant bruise,
Your hollow promises, the bedrock of demise.
The burden of your expectations, a weight so dire,
Dragging souls through the mud, through muck and mire.

Yoo! Society!
The fleeting moments of peace, devoured by your need,
The sanctuary of the mind, breached by your greed,
The silent screams of the forgotten, echoing through the night,
Your unyielding grasp, a never-ending fight.
The broken spirits, wandering through your maze,
Searching for solace, lost in your haze.

Yoo! Society!
I seek not your acceptance, nor your cruel embrace,
But leave me be, to wander in the untamed space,
Among the wild, with the broken bearings of my soul,
Where the echoes of your tyranny lose their hold.
Let me find my peace, away from your storm,
In the wild, where the spirit can transform.

Yoo! Society!
Your chains may bind the body, but never the mind,
In the wilderness, a new freedom I shall find,
Away from your shadows, away from your grasp,
In the arms of nature, in the wild, I'll clasp.
The essence of life, pure and untainted,
A sanctuary where the soul remains unpainted.

Yoo! Society!
I ask you merely nothing,
Rather let me stay with that broken bearings at wild.

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