Some Kind Of Person Poem by victoria martinez

Some Kind Of Person

It takes some kind of liar
To lie about dreams
Some kind of player
To act out their own roles
Takes some kind of mother
To abuse her child
And when love is proclaimed
Takes some kind of man
To hurt his lady
Takes some kind of day
To shed into night at the noon hour
Takes some kind of friend
To betray the words told
Secretes lay bear upon your eyes
We can all see the truth
No point in hiding your fears
We are all subject to a mask
Painted hearts and we love?
Minds floating,
What are we trying to prove?
Takes some kind of person
Not to live life
Takes some kind of human
To end their own breath and time
Takes some kind of person
To damn their own souls to hell
And I, I’m yet no one to judge
Because I am some kind of person
I throw spears de-fleshing air
I sing lies, the breath is freed
I am some kind of person,
To ever say I am better
We all lay into our faults
As we cover up in cool sheets
Silent dreams are what we evolve into
Never into our real being
Too afraid of what we may hold
Takes some kind of person to let go
I am no one to judge my mistakes
Then why can’t I move on?
I am no one to forgive anyone
But, why am I told to forgive?
My sins lay into rotted thoughts
And we all lay into desire
It takes some kind of person
To just endure all this pain
It takes some kind of person
To hold bravery in decision
Takes some kind of person
To decide with haste
We all fall, don’t make your sin;
Less than mine
Because, it takes some kind of person
To blame.

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