Someday Poem by Saucy Elmo


Waves crashing down on us,
Ready to swallow us whole.
Why are we still denying,
Even if we feel remorse?

Sun's ready to set on us,
Turn out the final light.
Breaking up,
But that doesn't bring us down from our high.

Black screen faded on us.
The credits are ready to roll.
I can't help but shed a tear,
There's so much you needed to know.

We're running the fragile line,
and ready to break.
I still love you,
But want to mend things before it's too late.

You loved me,
I loved you.
And we fit together so perfectly.

I am me,
You are you.
Now we see things differently.

I want you,
You want change.
Is this really ending?

I miss you,
You need to
See that we still have everything.

Something changed,
And now I'm trying my best to fix it.
And I know,
You're not coming back regardless of wishing.
I tried to make you see,
We could make it through on try three.
But we have no more strength,
From tries one and two.
So I want to be friends,
Is that good enough for you?

You said you're done with everyone.
I said we needed time on our own.
We can still be,
For the time being,
If it's meant to be,
Then someday we'll see.

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