Something About Ro Poem by Ronald Doku

Something About Ro

Rating: 5.0

Deep emotions expressed as words
Feelings of nostalgia threaten to take over
Memories of home hit so hard
This is a story of a boy living his dream away from home

On the hilltop, in the most powerful city in the world
Snowflakes fall from the heavens
Fond memories of home has come back again
With hopes of a grand return

I soldier on through the cold to my morning class
I am living my dream life
But the problem is, it was better in my head
Fairy tales only exist in dreams

Something I have understood so early in life
Life is a struggle and we always reap what we sow
This is the stark reality; life is not for the faint hearted
To be a winner is to be a great fighter

Like any teenager struggling to cope with raging hormones
There is always an imperfect life of virtues and vices
I could only try so hard to make my vices right
For the man I become tomorrow, would be born out of the boy you see today

Reflections of my past always end with a vision of my future
The once dark negative is shaping up into a bright picture
I am where I am supposed to be now, my heart wishes for no more
And each step I take, on the sacred grounds of the Mecca, takes me closer to my dream

I thank God for my life, and how far he has brought me
I have come too far to quit, and nothing is going to put me on my back
This is real, this is me, this is the story of my life
And there is no way I am looking back from here

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