For George Seferis
Times change, years pass
the river of the world is muddy
but I go out on the balcony of a dream
to see you bent over your clay
embroider ships and swallows.
The sea is bitter, our land small
the water in the clouds dear
the cypress wrapped in bareness
the grass burns to ashes in silence
and the hunt of the sun is endless.
And you came and carved a fountain
for the old shipwrecked man of the sea
who vanished but a memory of him
a gleaming shell on Amorgos
a salty pebble on Santorini.
From the dew that shakes on a fern
I have taken the drop of a pomegranate
so I can in this notebook
spell out the longings of a heart
with the first star of a fable.
But now that Holy Tuesday arrives
and Easter will come slowly
I want you to go to Mani and to Crete
with your company there perpetually
the wolf the eagle and the asp.
And when you see the shooting star
from another time shine on your face
secretly with delicate twinkle, stand up
bring back again a spring
that wells up in your own rock
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Times change, years pass
the river of the world clouds over
but I go out on the balcony of a dream
to see you bent over your clay
embroider ships and swallow
Γιὰ τὸν Γιῶργο Σεφέρη
Ἀλλάζουν οἱ καιροὶ περνᾶν τὰ χρόνια
τοῦ κόσμου τὸ ποτάμι εἶναι θολὸ
μὰ ἐγὼ θὰ βγῶ στοῦ ὀνείρου τὰ μπαλκόνια
γιὰ νὰ σὲ ἰδῶ σκυμμένο στὸν πηλὸ
καράβια νὰ κεντᾶς καὶ χελιδόνια.
Τό παγο πικρὸ κι ἡ γῆ μας λίγη
καὶ τὸ νερὸ στὰ σννεφα ἀκριβὸ
τὸ κυπαρίσσι ἡ γύμνια τὸ τυλίγει
τὸ χόρτο καίει τὴ στάχτη του βουβὸ
κι ἀτέλειωτο τοῦ ἥλιου τὸ κυνήγι.
Κι ἦρθες ἐσὺ καὶ σκάλισες μιὰ κρήνη
γιὰ τὸν παλιὸ τοῦ πόντου ναυαγὸ
ποὺ χάθηκε μὰ ἡ μνήμη του ἔχει μείνει
κοχύλι λαμπερὸ στὴν Ἀμοργὸ
καὶ βόσαλο ἁρμυρὸ στὴ Σαντονίνη.
Κι ἀπ᾿ τὴ δροσιὰ ποὺ σάλεψε στὴ φτέρη
πῆρα κι ἐγὼ τὸ δάκρυ μιᾶς ροδιᾶς
γιὰ νὰ μπορῶ σὲ τοῦτο τὸ δεφτέρι
καημοὺς νὰ συλλαβίζω τῆς καρδιᾶς
μὲ τοῦ παραμυθιοῦ τὸ πρῶτο ἀστέρι.
Μὰ τώρα ποὺ ἡ Μεγάλη φτάνει Τρίτη
κι Ἀνάσταση θ᾿ ἀργήσει νὰ φανεῖ
θέλω νὰ πᾶς στὴ Μὰνι καὶ στὴν Κρήτη
μὲ συντροφιἀ σου ἐκεῖ παντοτινὴ
τὸ λύκο τὸν ἀητὸ καὶ τὸν ἀστρίτη.
Κι ἄμα θὰ ἰδεῖς κρυφὰ στὸ μέτωπό σου
νὰ λάμπει μ᾿ άπαλὴ μαρμαρυγὴ
τ᾿ ἀλλοτινὸ πεφτάστερο σηκώσου
νά ζωντανέψει πάλι μιὰ μηγὴ
ποὺ καρπερεῖ στὸ βράχο τὸ δικό σου
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ἀλλάζουν οἱ καιροὶ περνᾶν τὰ χρόνια
τοῦ κόσμου τὸ ποτάμι εἶναι θολὸ
μὰ ἐγὼ θὰ βγῶ στοῦ ὀνείρου τὰ μπαλκόνια
γιὰ νὰ σὲ ἰδῶ σκυμμένο στὸν πηλὸ
καράβια νὰ κεντᾶς καὶ χελιδόνια.
My comments here are for ROSEWATER, but I cannot find that poem anywhere. BUT I can imagine where it goes about. Thank you for reading my response for ROSEWATER
The poem "Rosewater" by Nikos Gatsos explores nostalgia, love, and the passage of time. Gatsos often blends surrealism with traditional Greek folk elements, creating a rich tapestry of emotions and imagery. The poem reflects on the fragility of human existence and the bittersweet nature of memories.
Excellent choice dear Poem Hunter and Team.Thank you so much! for The Classic Poem Of The Day. CONGRATULATIONS!
A greatest pity, I could not find ROSEWATER, only this poem, but whatever it may be TOP Marks and myriad more for this Classic Poem Of The Day
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
nice poem that runs smoothly like water expressing how the time has changed and still changing. --thanks for sharing it.