Soul Burning Poem by Aaron Weaver

Soul Burning

Soul is burning
A tender spark catches my soul
the touch of the flame puts my soul in at a suspended state of animation at a slow motion point, My life flashes before my eyes as a single tear drops from my eye not so much from the pain of my soul catching a flame but from the happiness that my soul has been released from the fetters of this world. That single moment when the soul catches a small kindling their was a sense of serenity, a release from this reality. Their is no song that can relate to this feeling and no words from a stranger nor a friend. This spark of a kindling to the soul is the only song the soul can relate too, the pain and lesson and the closure has set the stage for this end. My soul has now been engulfed with flames of regret andsorrow, this fire is my demise my soul has been overtaken by the ravaging flames that was once a kindling spark has now caught my caught and engulfed my entire soul. I have now died, I have witnessed my own death and torment along with the regret and sorrow I have died a second time. The last thing my eyes could see was the brash orange flickering all around me and a clear watery vision, this is the end. My sorrow and and regret of my foolish heart was the cause of my kindling of my soul. Where is this going to end? I wonder....Now that my soul is burning.

Soul Burning
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: painful
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