Spgm 024 - Worship Sentry Deity In Nalanagadi Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Spgm 024 - Worship Sentry Deity In Nalanagadi

Nalangadi was situated between,
MaruvurPakkam and Pattinapakkam Towns,
Just like a buffer zone in between
Two mighty kings fight to win.

Many shops were in this town,
Built of woods by those men,
Whose voices and buyers' voices,
Echoed to sell and buy their choices.

On the Chitra full moon day,
The tribal girls celebrated the day,
Praying, 'May our Victorious King
Musukunda live sorrow-free long.'

To the Sentry Deity they offered,
On the altar, what He preferred,
Like flowers, boiled soup, sweet sesame balls,
Incense smoke, cooked plain and sweet rice.

A variety of folk dance,
They did, praying in trance,
'May our hunger and disease vanish!
May our powerful kingdom flourish! '

The celebrations went on like this.
The beautiful looking tribal girls,
They offered sacrifice to the deity.
They danced and danced in gaiety.


At Maruvur Pakkam,
Also at Pattinapakkam,
There lived many warriors,
Who were good fighters.

They went to the altar,
And said their prayer,
'May our king ever be victorious
And be free from obstacles! '

'May our boundary be strong,
We shall die to make it strong.'
They were armed with spears,
And wore rank metal badges.

They clapped their shoulders,
And shouted for victory as soldiers.
Wherever there was war,
They fought ahead too far.

Fire emanated from their eyes,
Whenever they made war-cries.
They offered their heads voluntarily,
For their king to come out victoriously.

Thunders roared wide in the sky,
As if their offers taken by the deity.
To add, the sound of drums blared.
Thus these war-tribes self-sacrificed.


To annex other parts to Tamil territory,
The King Thrumavalavan secured victory,
Right up to the states below Himalayas,
And he installed there his 'Tiger' Flags.

He became angry with Himalayas,
For the obstacles he couldn't cross.
He returned back to the Chola Territory,
After scoring massive victory.

The northern kings paid ransom
Which was plenty and handsome.
This way these territories became one,
As the small kingdoms he finally won.

Friday, January 27, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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