Spiritual Desolation Poem by Kenneth Maswabi

Spiritual Desolation

It's not a fairy tale
Or a nightmare
It's as real as life
Man was made for glory
Made in the image of God
Man is the true garment of Love
Now, man holds the sceptre of choice
To be humble, compassionate and be full of hope
Or to be deceitful and be full of venom
Love is the everlasting garment
For those who holds onto the truth
Love is the overflowing cup of life
For those who wear the crown of peace
It's the aftermath
The absence of Love
That opens the pit of darkness
Spiritual desolation is not a place for man
The soul is an everlasting entity
Dressed in Love
The soul shines like a million stars
Sacred and above reproach
Glorified and sanctified
In the desolate spirit world
Where Love is absent
The soul is hopelessness
A ghost in the dark
The soul loses its spark
And becomes darkness
Evil is born in this darkness
A ferocious dimension unveiled
It's not the pain that paints this realm
It's the absence of Love
The hopelessness and the dejection
The everlasting sorrow
That inflate this existence


Friday, June 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: spirit,spiritual,spirituality
Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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