Spirituality And Knowledge Poem by Kenneth Maswabi

Spirituality And Knowledge

It's common to imbibe in all sorts of knowledge
We have been led to believe that information is power
Or education is the key to success
Our education was curtailed towards filling us with certain knowledge
With assumptions that we are born empty of knowledge
Humanity has made extensive progress in the accumulation of new knowledge
And these variants of knowledge have led to big progress in technology
Simplifying life and bring comfort and wealth to some
But it's also true that mankind is ever sinking into the world of uncertainty
Every progress we make has a big price attached to it
The latest nuclear weapon technology can wipe away the whole planet
Or cause unimaginable destruction
It's imperative that we re-define knowledge and progress
And factor in spiritual knowledge
Spirituality offers us a pedestal to sit on
Spiritual knowledge is not based on time and space
It's the substance of existence
It's not based on temporal changes in our perceptions
And the fluctuations of thoughts and emotions
It's not dependent on the intelligence quotient (IQ)
Or any modalities of privilege
It's not based on acquired identities, achievements, expectations and attachments
Spiritual knowledge is not based on education and attainment of certain skills
It's based on the illumination of the fibre of existence
You have to allow yourself to be submerged in Silence or Nothingness
And exist at the dimensionless existence
Spiritual knowledge offers us hope, faith and Love
The path of Light (God)illuminated
In the place of uncertainty and fear
Spiritual knowledge gives us the platform to dress ourselves with hope, faith and Love
In the place of mankind's inherent impulse to destroy one another
Spiritual knowledge offers us unconditional Love - the everlasting existence
It's imperative we rethink our impulse to dismiss Silence
And learn to accept our place in the field of nothingness
It's here where we will learn true knowledge
And drink from the river of life
We will learn to let go of all our acquired knowledge
And allow the spirit to cleanse and rejuvenate us
We will learn to look not with our eyes but with our hearts
We will learn that selfishness is never a solution
And that wickedness is foolishness
We will learn to eat from the tree of life
The fruits of the spirit will be our nourishment
Humility, peace, gentleness, kindness and Love will be our daily habits
We will learn that true Love last forever
We will become part of the eternal awareness
And be sons and daughters of God
We will be in Love with Love
We will be the Love
God is Love


Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: hope,hopelessness,knowledge,life
Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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