Spoke And Believed Poem by Randy McClave

Spoke And Believed

Do not follow any sin
Created by the Devil again,
Sin you must never hold onto or renew
Spoke and believed by Matthew.

Believe in what you see
When others doubt the company,
Believe in the Lord and his promise
Spoke and believed by Thomas.

Be an evangelist
Fight with the word and not the fist,
Follow him, without worries or quip
Spoke and done by Phillip.

Sin cannot hide
On the out or on the inside,
Your sin God already knew
Spoke and believed by Bartholomew.

Why are you not revealing yourself to all
Why is that your call,
Lord are you only revealing yourself to us
Spoke by Thaddeus.

Do not ever follow a liar
They will lead you strait to hell‘s fire,
Do not follow a cheater
Spoke and believed Peter.

Do not ever be greedy
Help the poor and also the needy,
Do not follow a user or a con
Spoke John.

Always be honest and caring
Always be helpful and sharing,
Be forgiving and honest and true
Spoke, and believed by Andrew.

Listen to the Lord and always obey
Follow the Lord and what he does say,
To all sinners he will call
Spoken and believed by Paul.

Confess your sins to each other
To your sister and also your brother,
Seek pure joy and not blames
Spoke and believed by James.

He was chosen of the twelve
Finding a replacement disciple in which he did delve,
With the Lord he worshipped and ate
Simon the Zealot

Turn the other cheek
Be brave, and be not weak,
Love and forgive and be one of us
Spoke our Lord and Savior Jesus.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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