Spring Pools Poem by Robert Frost

Spring Pools

Rating: 3.2

These pools that, though in forests, still reflect
The total sky almost without defect,
And like the flowers beside them, chill and shiver,
Will like the flowers beside them soon be gone,
And yet not out by any brook or river,
But up by roots to bring dark foliage on.

The trees that have it in their pent-up buds
To darken nature and be summer woods -
Let them think twice before they use their powers
To blot out and drink up and sweep away
These flowery waters and these watery flowers
From snow that melted only yesterday.

Susan Williams 05 April 2016

The pools of water in a forest do not disappear by evaporation, they are soaked up by the ground to give life and nutrients and strength to the trees and other vegetation. But life is a competitive thing even in nature. The trees grow tall and thick and their leaves [dark foliage] rob the ground below of light. The flowers and lesser forms of vegetation, needing sunlight, die away and the forest becomes dark and gloomy. All is not always sunny and skippy-dippy in Frost poems, you know. That's what I enjoy about him- - the range of topic and voice.

28 4 Reply
* Sunprincess * 27 January 2013

a true lover of nature, well written and enjoyable!

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Barry Middleton 05 April 2016

Frost's use of imagery always amazes me. Earth is a reflection of the sky but only almost without defect. Actually I think the defects are understated here but I still like the poem.

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Luke gallagher 26 September 2019

I hate poems! ! I hate poems i hate them

6 4 Reply
Idjit 13 December 2019

Luke why u here then take ur negative vibes elsewhere 😂😂

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Sabhi Sarwar 21 October 2018

Really I love this poem Spring Pools

3 0 Reply
DenisDaily 24 May 2018

Really nice! I loved it! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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maxxxxxxxxxxxxx 24 May 2018

boooo fefdhdjkhsjkfhejkhfjk fjhdkjfhejkfjk fdjkfnjkenfjknf

3 4 Reply
Justin 12 April 2018

nerds hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

2 4 Reply
love poems 02 November 2018

nerds who you calling nerds if your're on this site you are a nerd

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Robert Frost

Robert Frost

San Francisco
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