Srikrishna..Divinity Of Love..! Poem by Vidya Pandarinath

Srikrishna..Divinity Of Love..!

Oh Divinity of Love, truth, harmony;
Eighth descent of Vishnu's incarnation
on the earth, purposely
Depicting as a God-child playing along Cows and Calves..heartily
Yashomati maiya's dearest child is fond of butter, sweet innocence, cheerfully
DivineLover, certainly
Beautiful delicate peacock-feather on his crown, the
divine ornament..shimmering so perfectly

Magical song to rejoice, dancing to the tune of Divinity
The creator of cosmos the supreme Divine Being..feel the pure affinity
Always arrives to protect his devotees at times of hardship instantly
Just chanting his Name with pure intention all
difficulties are gone minutely
Renunciation of self-pride and dedication
with utmost faith, ambitiously
All unfavorable times of life resolved in
minutes explicitly

Strong belief in You my holy, whenever there is decline of
Youmy God yourself will come to earth to enlighten,
eradicating evil through His graciousness
Goodness reinstated, faith winning over uncertainty with
cosmic consciousness
Disciplined mind free from desires, possessions sheer pricelessness
Pure Love without any attachment or expectation is the precious
gift of holiness

The Divine song, utteredbymy belovedLord
Heavenly perception, realize the peace, gentleness, supreme
bliss conferred
Verses state all have equal right to
God-realization, utterance I heard
Self-realisation is the innate to the noble truth,
most adored
Reverence, rejoice the feeling of eternal love,
the ultimate reward

Divine source of inspiration
Vast ocean of ethereal knowledge, real
Power, essence of reality, illuminating thoughts of
my imagination
No fear of outcome, just doing my own
natural duty with full dedication
Getting what I deservein this lifetime, the
values, truth, purpose of my life, pure realisation

Absolute oneness with my Lord SriKrishna, only wish
your godly assistance
Endeavour of lifetime shallbe with devotion,
compassion, humanity with humble persistence
Not with envy, greed, ego, self-conceit; invaluable time is
worth living not wasting on things that's inconsistent
Eternal life is to live significantly not
indulging in perishable enjoyments, pride and insistence
My beloved God, you are the embodiment of knowledge, bliss, existence

My firm belief in you my God, the
sacred essence
Always there for me in one form or the
other.., feel your divine presence
You are my friend, philosopher, guide, protector
seeing me progressing
My thoughts enlightened by you my Lord, I
shall always fearlessly expressing
You are the Divine Power showing me the path of knowledge, through the heavens
Oh..Srikrishna I am your chosen daughter
to get your love, grace and divine blessings..!

Srikrishna..Divinity Of Love..!
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: good,grace,heaven,belief,blessings,friends,god,knowledge,love
Photo copy right: Vidya Pandarinath
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