Stamping Poem by Nassy Fesharaki



Born in a tiny village
In the mountains of Iran
I travelled the world,
East, West, North, and South,
From prisons to the palace,
And though missed many,
Lived with the people,
To me, humankind is equal.

Therefore, borders,
Being of the anthems,
Or colors, and races,
To cultures and genders,
For me, are meaningless.

I am out of that kennel…

My world is,
No more, leaf,
Fallen on a stream!

My world is
Made of seas, lands, oceans,
House to all, from far to neighbors.

Joyful were, are mainly,
Travels for changing,
Followed a Little Black Fish,
Un-vanished, grew me, to be rich.

In the meantime,
I have learned,
Elephant is an elephant,
And always, so remains,
Regardless of access,
To trunk, ear, leg,
In the light or darkness.

"Where is the best
Among them? "
Am questioned.

"All remain my friends,
My love is shared by them,
All people are great…"
I reply, and answer.

Smile when a jaw falls,
or see some open mouths,
And glow in the eyes!

They have a single lens
Therefore I flip page:
"To them I, am a guest,
Newborn, unaware,
So, listen, learn, respect."

I follow hosts' concept,
In their shoes, follow them,
Take steps in their way,
Till I am accepted,
To be theirs, a member.

Stories are many,
Must see their origins!

Be aware of Karen,
Since they are plenty,
Are not same, they vary,
Each has own story,
One may save a swan,
Other milks, kills, a cow,
One stops at borders,
To stop corruptions,
Another shoots, fires!

Hitler was example,
As were the gladiators,
Friends killing friends!

See Moses on mountain,
Read Sara, Egyptians,
And Cossacks' Foundation,
Eliot, poem, Magi and fiction!

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