Starbucks Steals Sweat Off Workers Backs Poem by Terence George Craddock

Starbucks Steals Sweat Off Workers Backs

Rating: 5.0

starbucks kickback expenses
from worker pockets paid
workers denied a liveable wage

Justice Liberty Freedom scream
single finger salute obsessive greedy
horrid STARBUCKS CEO who says

rants a pitiful $15 an hour minimum wage
is steep too high... starbucks cannot afford it
STARBUCKS CEO makes $9,600 an hour

not counting kick backs graft gift share issues
expenses paid perks for elite inhuman jerks?
feeding on their cesspool law created loopholes

what is Starbucks annual profit globally?
starbucks infamous infestation greed crimes never
paying foreign tax sly filling fake bogus losses

April 2012 Net income for first three months
of stealing profit year $309.9m (£191.7m) , up 18% on
$261.6m firm made a year earlier. Revenue

rose 15% to $3.2 billion
a pitiful justice paid $15 an
hour minimum wage rise

is but a drop in starbucks immoral bucket
starbucks always playing wealth hiding shell game
turning oppressed workers into shell snails

carrying burden of poverty struggles on backs
when are you going to wake up boycott starbucks?
Starbucks you can slime but not forever hide?

STARBUCKS CEO makes $9,600 an hour
rants a pitiful $15 an hour minimum wage
is steep too high starbucks cannot afford it

been years since I drank coffee in Starbucks!
kinda sticks in throat reeks of crime injustice!
wear a social conscious not tailored prestige suit!

tall starbucks CEO is just
another CEO on prize scum list
time a few more Americans

an whole world wake up
realize sold American Dream
mammoth wealth that cannot

be spent in dozens of lifetimes
purchased on pale backs of poverty
worker oppression is not a dream

it is a nightmare!

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Written in April 2015 on the 3.4.2015.
Original version of the split images 'Starbucks Denies Worker Liveable Wage', 'Starbucks Hidden Profit: Fake Bogus Losses' and 'Starbucks Has Stolen Worker Dreams' by Terence George Craddock.
Topic: Starbucks Economics
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