Stay Here Forever Poem by Leria Hawkins

Stay Here Forever

Stay Here Forever
Date: November 18,2012

I will remember you in soft pink dreams
Savoring you like honey, sweet and warm on my tongue
And I'll taste the fullness of your fiery lips melting on mine
To the depths of my soul, I'll thrill to the songs of your feathered touch
And with each midnight turning, I'll lay twisting, yearning
Trembling as you steal away my dreams to claim as your own

Never leave me, my love…to battle the nights alone
Never, ever cease to spread your wings to shield me from life's cruel clutch
Live here, die here…in me! Scream, scream your songs forever into my consciousness, my memories
For if you fade, I will cease to dream, to breathe, to understand
If you turn your eyes away, my essence will wither into a cold and utter darkness

I relive you in my heart each and every day, my darling, my dancing ember
You rage in me, like a sea of flames scorching my soul
So lustful, your whispered intent, my love, so wanton your desire
I listen in stone silence, straining to hear the lick, the burning secrets of your fire
I long…I dream of the perfect rhythm of your fevered sighs
Rewinding in sweet agony, the precious heat borne of your flesh on mine

Never turn from me, never my love, never…
Do not break the hold that binds my heart in chains
You are the magic, the key, the makings of my weakness, my fire, my flame
And I will perish in a cold oblivion without the glow of your favor
Never leave me stranded, dear, never leave me to shiver in a desert of despair
Stay with me forever, stay here, right here…forever in my heart.

Copyright © 2012 Leria Hawkins, All Rights Reserved

Leria Hawkins

Leria Hawkins

Sweet Carolina
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