Stop Knocking On People's Doors Poem by Sarah Mkhonza

Stop Knocking On People's Doors

Like a blind guide you go to places
You knock so hard that the people
Think you are deaf. For so loud
is your voice you leave them worried
If a want wit has come to this place.

I said you know three times as so said
A song of old and then go in for they
Know me and you are now two people
On a mission. I said I told them
You are to be let in even when you
Have not knocked. No more this
Calling attention upon yourself
For it makes me mad when everyone
Talks about you disturbing our
house. Next time you come knock
Just once and I will be at the door.
That means do not come when I am
Not there. That means call me and
Alert me that you are coming.
When the doors are ours you can
Overstep boundaries and jump
Over fences and even come in
Through windows.I am not bullying
You but I am only trying to be
A law abiding citizen. As long
As I live in this house, I have
To speak the truth about the rules
Of love or it ceases to be what it
Is for rules of love begin and stop
When you stop knocking on open doors
And try hard to be a stranger that
Was brought up with knowledge in
A home everybody wonders about.

Monday, November 28, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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