Story Of A Little Girl Poem by Desiree Whitamore

Story Of A Little Girl

This is a story of a little girl.
She held the pressure of the world.
She balanced it out, not knowing what it could be about.
She ran from tears, and the emotions inside.
And all the while she smiled as she cried.
As she sat and kept to herself, they didn’t care that she needed help. They didn’t listen when she cried, and they always took each other’s sides.
Sure they would hug her and try to console her when they could.
But when push came to shove she always new they would.
Until one day she called and they weren’t there.
She had let them go but she didn’t care.
All they did was bring her down and she might’ve been glad they weren’t around.
They weren’t around to crush her dreams.
Because really life’s not at all what it seems.
Beating time is a losing fight and now she’s doing all right.
So she’s going to grow up and go away, she knows she’ll get better, maybe return one day.
She’d hurt and laugh and live some more, the only thing is she'll know what its for.
It’s our pain that makes us real.
Because being numb is not a way to feel.
And one day when she settles down, she’ll change their traditions and she’ll be around.
But for now she’s happy and she plans to always be
no matter what they do that girl from here on out will be living HER way and HER dreams.

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