Troubling....once thinking...of it
....Viewing it from where I stand
Wondering.....the logic...of it
....Was it not the brilliant plan
Kidnap....a people...from their homeland
Then four hundred long years enslave...
Christianity's chains now entwine them
...From the the grave
Ancestral gods all stripped and taken
....Tribal cultures......forever banned
In its - blond haired Jesus was.....a brilliant plan
If I could only.....for....a moment... great...great...great..greats
Folks from way back before the exodus
.....Long before...they would...create
Christianity's marauding band of evil
....Slavery's bondage..thus the Klan
Ancestral gods stripped and taken
...Indeed...theirs was....a brilliant plan
Strategic.....the logic...of it
....Was it not the brilliant plan
Troubling....once thinking...of it
...When viewing it...from where...I stand
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem