Super Eagles
Sweet soccer Sensational
Playing round the globe
Playing with the bleeding sun
Playing with the drumming rain
Super Eagles
Elephant feet
Flying like Eagles
Neglect to swallowed injury
Super Eagles
Green and white jerseys
Dazzling round the pitch of 22
With golden ball
With golden booth
Green ball shake dangling net
Super Eagles
You make us happy as a lark
You make us sad as a graveyard
Super Eagles
You are
The heartbeats of hearts
You drum the sound of love
With your booth
Super Eagles
Patriotic Ambassadors
With frozen feet
Winning laurels for the nation
Thanks Edmund Strolis for your passionate comment on this poem. I also appreciate the painstaking perusal and detailed comment on the poem.
I must admit that I root for the Italians and the team U.S.A. but the Super Eagles shine bright in my eyes whenever I get a chance to see them play. I always wondered why but I had a hint and now after reading your tribute I know as well as someone who is not a Nigerian why this is so. The raw unbridled energy, the collective force and patriotism. The unity and the pride in victory, that excitement and exhilaration of elephant feet in rain or shine and those magical eruptions of joy when the eagle soars and the ball finds the net as the ball finds the net by a masterful execution of will and determination.
You are The heart beats of hearts The soccer team can determine the mood of their fans the way they play. If they play well, there will be no tension, but if they do not play well, tension will increase. It is always a fluctuating situation.
The heartbeat of hearts... This shows that Super Eagles affect the state of mind of the Nigerian fans because of the way they play.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Nice Job.....Grace For More