Sweet Heavenly Wine Poem by Colonel Muhamad Khalid Khan

Sweet Heavenly Wine

My sweetheart you are like a full bottle of heavenly wine
When I have a glance at her I feel I am intoxicated to brim
My love when you come in light with your beauty to shine
In front of her excellent charming beauty my ego is to trim

My beloved when comes to see the full moon that hides
Sun also takes shelter of clouds not to face such blazon fire
Every thing avoids her appearance submits in front abides
She is so wonderfully beautiful that she makes others retire

My love you have enchanted me and enthralled in a manner
That I am nowhere and you can be seen everywhere around
Please allow me to be in your arms under your love banner
Allow me to be together allow and your fragrance to surround

Me all around to be with you in your arms to take rest forever
I am your staunch lover and love you fully at peril of my life
Let me declare that I will remain your friend and will you never
Please let me explore the beauty of yours and do not keep on knife

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow

Edward Kofi Louis 12 May 2016

Love and dreams! ! With the beauty of life. Nice piece of work.

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