Sweet Hellos Poem by Eli Unknown

Sweet Hellos

the night begins to settle in and silence falls
with each minute passing into hours
and now into days -
become years and nothing seems clear -
there is no word to express or explain
the tick tock in my brain
its out of this world...
eye am a lucky girl..
made- by - self...- eye am not sure where to go from here -
and yet eye have no fear
filled with a divine peace of mind
a real sight of hope
never giving up - doesn't mean you cant let go
some battles are not yours to fight
what gives u the right -
how can there be a now
if there never was a then

marinate on that- let it set in...
eye fear not - if HE be for me
you gonna learn today
Alright Alright Alright
is a sentence -
for we each have our cross to bear
and sometimes it gets cold out there
my mind weakens and my body begins
to shut down and its like eye wont ever win

as if eye can only watch
people come and go
and all the while it doesnt hit me
ohhh ummm eye wasnt invited to the partyyyyyyyyy

esssh burn
didnt eye say - you gonna learn -
that feeling in your belly
that deep knotted churn

eye cant let the pains go
unless eye let the sun set
and how did eye just 'know'
how could eye forget

you remind me of a love
that one can only dream
u tell me to go to sleep
when really my soul weeps

you remind me of a trampoline
eye feel like eye am in mid air
when you walk in the demons
rush out
because the surge in my system

the unstoppable force
barreling down the track
eye wanna hold on
but you probably wont come back

take a look at me now

the empty space
nothing left

of your face...

turning into water from all the tears eye cried
and the water was my lifeline
buried in a solitary self made grave
eye unearth myself
to only be free
and do what comes naturally

you can call me what you want
eye assure you -
you dont want my shoes
nor my dome (head)
where eye've been or what eye've done
your imagination limits you to the experiences
ones body never forgets the stain
it never washes away
and u can scrub everyday

it just is what it is
beat so far down there is no light to be seen
rise from the ashes and you shall be clean
shining like a twinkling star
no matter where u are
eye got to see it once
and eye wont ever be the same

talking like eyem sane
u thinking its lame
just gettin hip to the game

spreading seeds of hope and strength
to know what it means to go
the extra length to stretch from busted seam
to seam
cant a girl have a DREAM

its been a while since eye come this way
my body at rest - my mind astray
smelling the faints memories
using my nose to see
the beauty before me

can you dig my blues?


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