Take Him As He Is Poem by Ramona Thompson

Take Him As He Is

Rock and roll bad boy
As naughty as they come
But that's why we love him
All because he dares to do and say what we never would
Not even in our wildest dreams
So why do some long to tear his legend down?
I don't know
All I can say about this sticky situation is this
Fan or no fan
Love him or leave him
All that I know surely he would ask of you is this
Just the same as you long for others to think of you
Please oh please do not keep on hating
Take him as he is

A man
Flesh and blood
Nothing more
Nothing less
Just like you
Complete with his own set of flaws and mistakes to make
No matter what you may think of him
No matter how you may wish to change who and what he is
You can't
You just can't
Only only thing and one thing alone that you can do
And that is this
Simple and true
All you can really do is just....
Take him as he is

Sometimes hot
Sometimes cold
Some days good
Some days bad
Just like you
He is not a God
He is not perfect
He is only a man
A man with a passion the same as yours
A passion for the music that smooths the savage beast within
What he does beside that
Truely is none of your biz at all
So if you really care at all
For a fellow human being on this rock and roll planet earth
Then you will heed my advice and simply put just.....

Take him as he is!

2007 Ramona Thompson Proud Lukas Rossi Lover and Supporter!

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